Design As Adaptation
Environmental change is becoming more present as each season goes by. While it may seem small and sometimes unnoticeable, it is something that design cannot continue to ignore. Summers are getting hotter, winters are getting colder, oceans are rising, and lands are changing their composition. With increasing population and decreasing resources we have helped speed up the inevitable flux and flow of the Earth's environmental cycle and we are being faced with it today, tomorrow and most defiantly down the line.
We planned to develop a collection of objects, and wearables that address what it means to live in these scenarios. Through research in identifying trends in weather patterns we learned that
Climate change is effecting our landscapes now
Extreme weather is becoming more of a norm
Over the next 100 years we will experience a drastic change in weather patterns
The effects are not equal across the Earth
Climate change is a mega trend
The environmental changes we choose to address
Storm Environment
Changes in precipitation causing more snow fall
Flood Environment
More droughts and heats waves
Drought Environment
Sea levels will rise
Pant boots
Flotation devices
Water purifying kit
Water proof objects
Walking Stick
Reflective Gear
Outer puff shell
Inside-Outside layers
Water resistant
Goggle Hood
Warm face feature
Face and eye protection
Sun protection
Dual clothing for extreme heat vs extrema cold
Thermal covers
Shade Shelter
Water Collection Device
Storage of water
Drought Environment
Snow Environment
Flood Environment
Final Looks